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We're here to listen

Founded 2021 at the University of California, Los Angeles

Home: Welcome


The Open Ear Project stands to provide a safe space for the UCLA community where fellow peers can serve as open ears for others through active listening and empathy. While mental health awareness has been making a profound advancement throughout the world, it is still often stigmatized in certain cultures. The Open Ear Project will work to not only encourage more tangible student involvement in breaking this stigma, but also will equip and train fellow scholars with some of the tools necessary to build a safer environment both within our campus and beyond.


If you are in need of a peer to simply hear you out and provide you with ways to cope with your emotions, please email us. 

Home: Who We Are


We open our ears to listen to you.
We give you a space to learn and understand one another.


Our listeners provide our community with blog posts that range from practical tips on how to cope with heavy emotion to personal accounts on their mental health journey.


Conversing with others is one of the greatest coping mechanisms out there. We wanted to create a safe space where you can talk and discuss about anything, whether or not they pertain to mental health.

Home: What We Do

"You can't pour from an empty cup"

Your well-being matters.

Home: Quote
Home: Contact
Home: Blog Feed
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